This war against Huawei may break Google’s monopoly.
This total war against Huawei make me so happy! If Huawei survive and will not do stupid things, we will finally get an alternative to Google’s monopoly in the mobile market. I hold my fingers crossed for Huawei because Google completely lost sense of reality and converting life of software developers for Android to hell. Now Google casually destroying thousands of businesses where huge financial and labor resources were invested. Google bans of developers’ accounts without any explanation or possibility of recovery. Risk is so high that many of new software development companies afraid to enter to this market. It happens just because there is no commercially significant alternative to their app store. If other smart phone manufacturers, looking at this mess, unite and create their own general app store, independent of Google, then it will be able to create competition for the Google Play Market. This will significantly improve the situation on the world market of mobile software and return mobile applications to development instead of degradation, which Google is now imposing on them with its idiotic rules.